MBMM at the COP2 Conference 2018

Our team had the fortune to attend the 2nd Annual Convening of the Parties of the Minamata Convention from November 19th-23rd in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Convention, or COP2, is a gathering of country delegates and organizations that are leading a concerted effort to curtail human consumptive use of mercury worldwide. I believe we were the first mining technology specialists to be admitted as an observer to the meetings, and it was a great honor to be there.

The meeting was attended by representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and Non-Profits, both of which are instrumental in assisting participating countries with Minamata implementation. Over the course of the conference, these stakeholders hosted events showcasing practical information and the latest with their work in the field.

While topics included a variety of mercury-based applications, we focused on the issue that drew us in the first place; that of mercury use in small-scale mining. We learned that much of the current effort lies with formalizing the largely-unregulated ASGM sector. Formalization itself opens the door to mercury reduction and inclusive, sustainable development of the sector as part of the economy.

Attendance was, for us, a chance to put our finger on the pulse of change and network with individuals on the front line. The drive to eliminate mercury use within the ASGM is going to require a shift to improved methods and technology, and we were able to offer that bridge and make our interests known. Moving into the future, we’ll continue to provide our technical expertise and do what we can to participate in the shift to a mercury-free ASGM.