Shaker Tables

MBMM produces high-performance shaker tables for gravity separation based on different material densities. They are designed for maximum performance by combining the best of many proven designs, refined after many hundreds of hours of R&D. The most notable feature is from an old 1909 Deister patent: a ramp and plateau system built into the table top, featuring excellent separation between high-density material, lower density material, and waste products.

The table design minimizes turbulence in the slurry as it flows across the table. Low turbulence means a higher recovery of even the finest gold. We know of no gravity recovery system that beats our proven ability to capture 95% of the gold to 325 mesh (50 microns) or less.

Proven applications:

  • Hard rock mining
  • PCB and e-waste processing
  • Scrap metals, copper wire chops
  • Auto shred with contaminated metals
  • Bottom ash containing precious and base metals

For questions and/or an expert opinion on what size and accessories you’ll need to complete your job, we’re here to help answer any questions you have.

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Using the plateau design, only the densest material climbs the grooves in the ramp, is cleaned, and reports to the high grade discharge. Less dense, higher volume material (as in sulfides in gold ore) forms a band at the base of the ramp, reporting to the middlings tray. The lightest material stays behind and reports to the tailings tray.

Other design features of the table were added to minimize turbulence, hence higher fine gold recovery to <325 mesh. Sloped grooves are machined into the rubber top, replacing high-turbulence riffles. There is a smooth back and forth motion to move the material across the table without bumps or jerks. Adjustable water flow helps control the separation of various density components. The table is easy to operate and very forgiving for the new user.

Standard features include:

  • Machined grooves in thick rubber table top for less agitation in the slurry, leading to recovery of finer material
  • Table top material is EPDM, the same material as torch-down roofing, for long life even when exposed to weather
  • Smooth, cyclical shaking motion with no bump or jerk action, less slurry agitation, and higher recovery of fine gold
  • No anchoring required when extra weight is added to frame base
  • Simple mechanical design for trouble-free service and maintenance
  • Easy to adjust and tune for optimal performance

What our customers say:

We are very happy with our MBMM shaker table. It recovers the finest of gold and dense metals better than the Wilfley or Diester tables we’ve used in the past on the same material. I recommend them for anyone working with super-fine gold on a gravity recovery system. Read More

Arizona Mine Owner

By far, the best table I have owned!!!! Use it for both: hard rock and placer cons. I really recommend this table if you are looking for one. Read More

Daniel Sas (Nevada Gold Miner)

In our business we develop mine properties. We locate the mine property, we prove the property with assay studies and with R&D work. But the ultimate proof is pilot plant work. On our projects we must prove that the precious metals will come out of the selected ore body with… Read More

Dusty Wadsworth (Gold Miner, Mexico)

My assayer called last night about the table samples. The first thing he said was that whatever system that was processed on was very impressive. It is pretty obvious that your system is excellent and works as you have represented. Thanks again for all your time and effort. Read More

Colorado Miner


Size Capacity (lbs/hr) Motor, 120V Single Phase Weight (lbs) Videos Drawings
2' x 4' 500 - 600 1/2 hp, 110V 600 Shaker Table Videos 2' x 4' Drawing
4' x 8' 2,000 – 2,500 1/2 hp, 110V 1,500 4' x 8' Drawing
5' x 12' 4,000 – 4,500 1 hp, 110V 3,000 5' x 12' Drawing


Size Price
2' x 4' $11,925
4' x 8' $19,950
5' x 12' $31,250